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Our Rooms

Our light and airy rooms are filled with opportunities to engage in role play, physical play, construction, creative and messy play as well as spaces to relax, make music, read books, mark-make and take part in early maths and science-based learning. 


Children are surrounded by natural and real life objects to learn with. Loose parts are available for children to use in their play and they are able to explore using all their senses. We use a range of cultural artefacts and stories to promote diversity within our setting; taking inspiration from the culturally diverse community we are part of.


We use 'Sustained, Shared, Thinking' to support children with problem solving and overcoming challenges to help develop resilience, perseverance and a thirst for knowledge. 


Our learning is led by the children and we follow their interests, planning 'In The Moment' for their development. We also follow the seasons and try to incorporate opportunities for the children to engage in the world around them.


We provide opportunities for children to take part in a range of additional activities, having regular visits to Caldecott Park, Rugby Library and many other local shops. 


We also invite specialist, external teachers to lead activities with our children. Toddlers and Pre-Schoolchildren  have weekly drama sessions with 'Drama Tots', promoting music, movement, imagination and developing early communication skills. Pre-School children have additional French  sessions once a week and rapidly learn new words through songs, games and stories. They also take part in weekly mindfulness and yoga activities where they are learning to take care of their mental health. 



Please take a look at our galleries below for more of our highlights!


The Baby Room                         The Toddler Room                     The Pre-School Room